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Scan-Shipping (Shanghai) Ltd.
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仕凯国际货运代理(上海)有限公司是丹麦仕凯集团下属上海分公司。 仕凯集团由A.Simonsen先生于1969年创建,在全球拥有超过130个办事处和2700名员工。集团起始主要业务是船舶代理和货运代理。随着公司的发展和扩大,目前公司业务已经拓展至货运行业的各个方面。 Scan-Shipping (shanghai) Co.,Ltd. , a part of Scan-Group with more than 130 offices and 2,700 employees worldwide, was founded in 1969 by Mr. A. Simonsen who is still the sole proprietor of the group. The group's initial focus and business was the representation of shipping lines and freight forwarding. Since then the company has developed and expanded its range of services to cover all aspects of the freight industry. Our Vision 公司的愿景 被公认为一家永远超越客户100%满意度的公司 To be recognized as the company that always goes the “extra mile” in order to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. Our Mission 公司使命 To fulfill our clients’ shipping requirements and meet their expectations by providing first class logistics solutions ra..
传统物流产品: 国际海空运代理 International freight forwarding sea freight & air freight 国际门到门物流业务 Door to Door Service 化工行业物流: 化工品和危险品整箱拼箱服务 Chemicals & DG FCL LCL Consolidation service 危险品国际快递 Dangerous cargo express service 保税仓储和危险品仓储服务 Bonded warehousing and DG Cargo Warehousing 集装罐国际物流 ISO Tank international logistics 集装箱液袋运输:Flexitank transportation 大件货物及项目物流 框架箱/开顶箱海运 FR/OT container 超限设备,散杂货海运 Heavy & Oversized cargo, Bulk cargo shipping 超限设备内陆运输方案设计 Heavy & Oversized cargo inland transportation and logistics solutions 特色物流: 物流园区一日游 Bonded logistics "Day-Tour" Service 返修物品/退运货物 Repairing cargo / return cargo logistics
传统物流产品: 国际海空运代理 International freight forwarding sea freight & air freight 国际门到门物流业务 Door to Door Service 化工行业物流: 化工品和危险品整箱拼箱服务 Chemicals & DG FCL LCL Consolidation service 危险品国际快递 Dangerous cargo express service 保税仓储和危险品仓储服务 Bonded warehousing and DG Cargo Warehousing 集装罐国际物流 ISO Tank international logistics 集装箱液袋运输:Flexitank transportation 大件货物及项目物流 框架箱/开顶箱海运 FR/OT container 超限设备,散杂货海运 Heavy & Oversized cargo, Bulk cargo shipping 超限设备内陆运输方案设计 Heavy & Oversized cargo inland transportation and logistics solutions 特色物流: 物流园区一日游 Bonded logistics "Day-Tour" Service 返修物品/退运货物 Repairing cargo / return cargo logistics
联 系 人:徐峰
QQ :1801034163
MSN :xufengxufeng2001@hotmail.com
传统物流产品: 国际海空运代理 International freight forwarding sea freight & air freight 国际门到门物流业务 Door to Door Service 化工行业物流: 化工品和危险品整箱拼箱服务 Chemicals & DG FCL LCL Consolidation service 危险品国际快递 Dangerous cargo express service 保税仓储和危险品仓储服务 Bonded warehousing and DG Cargo Warehousing 集装罐..

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